Shoulder Fracture Treatment - Orthopedic Sports Doctor

Fractured Shoulder Treatment

When participating in athletics and sports, the risk of injury is always greater. While using the proper safety equipment and observing good practices can reduce the occurrence of accidents, there is no doubt that the possibility of injury is part of physical activity. One of the more common injuries affecting athletes and physically active individuals is the shoulder fracture. In Clovis, CA, sports doctors are advising patients about the risks associated with this injury. Learn more about shoulder injuries and what you can expect should you encounter them. 

Learn about the Causes

In order to understand the shoulder fracture, it is important to know what it might affect. The shoulder is comprised of three bones and their associated joints and ligaments: the scapula (shoulder blade), clavicle (collar bone) and humerus (arm bone). When any of these bones break, it can be considered a shoulder injury. Fractures are broken bones. Therefore, these injuries are likely to occur when physical force impacts this area. Shoulder trauma is any forceful blow that affects the shoulder bones and supporting structures.

Falls, impacts, or collisions can bring about a fracture. As such, individuals participating in contact sports, or high-speed activities like automobile or horse racing, are at greater risk of encountering physical trauma that can cause a fracture.

These are the common symptoms of a broken shoulder:

  • Shoulder Pain
  • Swelling or Bruising
  • It Is Difficult or Impossible to Move the Shoulder
  • The Shoulder Does Not Look Normal

Your Treatment Options

In case of a fracture, it is important to see a sports medicineprofessional. They have the training and experience to diagnose and treat sports injuries. Many shoulder fractures might involve setting the bone and protecting the surrounding area so it can heal. More severe cases could be referred to a surgeon, which might also involve the implementation of surgical rods, plates, and screws.

When coordinating your broken shoulder recovery, you might be referred to a physical therapist. They can coordinate a program that involves exercise, changes to diet and lifestyle, and a gradual strengthening of the affected area.

By observing the proper precautions and seeking the necessary treatment, it is easy to manage the complications associated with a shoulder fracture. Request a consultation with a sports medicine doctor to learn what you can do to minimize the risk of injury.


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