Orthopedic Treatment of Back Sprain

Back Sprain and Types of Orthopedic Treatment

Nothing is worse than trying to lift a heavy box or other item and suddenly feeling extreme pain or muscle spasms. What follows are usually several days of extreme pain, limited motion, and an inability to perform normal daily tasks like walking and bending over. Luckily, orthopedic back sprain treatment in Clovis, CA is available at most orthopedic clinics and can help patients get back on their feet in no time. Some common forms of orthopedic back treatment methods include rest, physical therapy, ice and heat treatment, and over-the-counter pain medication when recommended. In some more severe cases, your orthopedic doctor in Clovis, CA may recommend more drastic treatments up to and including surgery.

Most Common Causes of Back Sprains and Pain
Back pain is one of the leading causes of missed work, aside from the common cold. If you’ve injured your back, you’re not alone, but chances are it’s important for you to heal up quickly so you can get back to work. By avoiding the most common causes of back sprain and strain, you can prevent missed work due to back injury. Some of the most common reasons people why need orthopedic back treatment include:
  • Herniated, Slipped, or Bulging Discs
    Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Inflammation of Sacroiliac Joint
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Car Accidents
  • Falls
    Improper Sitting Posture
  • Improper Lifting of Heavy Objects
  • Overuse Strain

Schedule an Orthopedic Back Exam to Get Help Now
If you have back pain, it’s important to get an orthopedic back exam sooner rather than later. Your orthopedic doctor can provide a concrete diagnosis of your problem and recommend useful solutions and remedies for you to follow at home. Some types of back sprains and strains require medical intervention, and the longer you wait, the more in-depth the treatment required. Schedule a back exam with a skilled and reputable orthopedist as soon as you discover your back pain.


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