Knee Replacement Surgery

Life After Knee Replacement Surgery - Clovis, CA

For many people, knee replacement can open up a world of possibilities. However, it’s important to take your time when it comes to starting new physical activities. In addition to meeting with the medical professionals overseeing your recovery, here are some helpful recommendations for life while you’re recovering from knee replacement.

Exercising: In moderation, the right exercises can promote a faster, steadier recovery. But it’s important to know what types are right for your personal situation. That’s why we recommend discussing potential exercises with an orthopedic surgeon or other specialist before starting. Yoga, for example, can be a very gentle and effective way to reintroduce exercise into your routine.

Recreation: There are activities that you can safely participate in after knee replacement surgery. Most of them are very low-impact – for example, golfing or bowling, as well as other activities that involve your arms rather than your legs. Any of these are great choices for people that are gradually getting back to everyday recreation after surgery.

Mental Health: If your recovery is coming along more slowly than you’d like, don’t give up hope. Procedures like arthroscopic knee surgery and knee reconstruction are serious; patients that undergo them need plenty of time to rest and heal. We encourage you to proceed slowly and carefully to ensure your knee has every chance to adjust without risk of injury.

Stay in Touch with Your Doctor

No two knee injuries or replacements are alike – everyone experiences recovery differently. That’s why it’s so important to remain in constant contact with the specialist that’s coordinating your recovery process. It’s a good idea to check in regularly and discuss your progress. This also gives you the chance to ensure you’re proceeding safely and making the appropriate strides towards full mobility.


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